“Every time I complete a session with Beca, I feel refreshed and empowered! She has helped guide me to a better awareness of myself and my potential that is truly priceless. Beca is full of enthusiasm, creativity, and a positive spirit that is tangible even over the phone or through one of her wonderful podcasts. She has an intuitive ability to get at the heart of what is needed, clear the way for a higher perspective, and to motivate you toward achieving greater things. Beca truly inspires me with her wisdom and with the depth and sincerity of her caring for one and all.”

Laura Moliter, Life Coach
Poetic and Powerful Living

Nothing Changes Until You Do: And Then Everything Changes!

Do you want a coach who has been there, done that? You know, someone who isn’t doing it by reading a book, but has lived it?

As life unfolded for me I often thought, well, at least I will know what I am talking about.

Here’s some of that unfolding (not in any particular order):

    I have run my own business for over 30 years, coaching, writing, publishing, teaching.

    I was a Certified Financial Planner with a specialty in small businesses and entrepreneurs for 20 years. The things I learned!

    I am a mother, a grandmother, a stepmother. I have been divorced and married more than once, and finally got it right.

    I have worked at a variety of jobs in between my “big” jobs just so I could find out how they worked. Sometimes because it was the only way I could feed my three children.

    I have been an artists manager in Los Angeles. The things I have seen!

    I have run and participated in multiple networking groups. Ran: Leads Club, Inside Edge – Held offices in NAWBO and BNI plus more .. it’s too long a list.

    I ran a dance school starting at 16 until I finally got tired of it.I went back to school and got my Masters in Dance from UCLA and had a dance company for a few years.

    I design and manage my own websites. When I find someone that understands what I want better than me, I’ll turn it over. Until then, I enjoy the design process.

    I have been career and life coaching one-on-one for over 10 years. Some of my first clients are still with me. Not because they haven’t moved on, but because they have, and they want to move on more.

Besides entrepreneurs and small businesses, I also help businesses decide before hiring if the person they are interested in hiring is really the one they want. This takes me just one call – seriously. If you are a business wanting to hire, talk to me. We’ll work it out.

Here’s a secret. I love coaching couples before they get married. It’s a brave couple that decides to go this direction because I will make sure that a life together is clearly what they want.

Sometimes I coach couples after they get married and something isn’t working. If you have a strong desire to make it work, or want to know that it can’t, then let’s talk.

In between jobs, or you don’t like the one you have? The answer to this is so much easier than you think. I have a system we will follow, and I promise no one else does it the same way. If you are tired of others telling you how it should be, let me show you how to find out for yourself.

Coaching with Beca Lewis has changed every area of my life for the better. Beca’s coaching skills are excellent. She is astute, intuitive, kind, practical, and expectant of change. The greatest benefit of working with Beca has been my experience of peace in the midst of shift and change. The peace is because the focus of her coaching is spiritual: there is one cause and creator and it is good. Coaching practical issues from a true spiritual perspective is powerful, and Beca does it extremely well. – Kathy Piper

Let’s Shift The Story Together

Need to develop a marketable business/business service? Need to feel inspired? Beca has resources, information and experience. What I appreciate about Beca is her motive. Her premise is based on God First. – Michal McKeown

What We Can Shift Together

**In between jobs, or you don’t like the one you have? The answer to this is so much easier than you think. I have a system we will follow, and I promise no one else does it the same way. If you are tired of others telling you how it should be, let me show you how to find out for yourself.

**Besides entrepreneurs and small businesses, I also help businesses decide before hiring if the person they are interested in hiring is really the one they want. This takes me just one call – seriously. If you are a business wanting to hire, talk to me. We’ll work it out.

**I publish my own books. Thinking of writing and publishing? I’ll save you so much time and money your head will spin.

**Here’s a secret. I love coaching couples before they get married. It’s a brave couple that decides to go this direction because I will make sure that a life together is clearly what they want.

**Sometimes I coach couples after they get married and something isn’t working. If you have a strong desire to make it work, or want to know that it can’t, then let’s talk.

Do you want a coach or a speaker who has been there, done that?

You know, someone who isn’t doing it by reading a book, but has lived it?

I PROMISE – that by working with me, you will not only save countless hours that can never be returned, but also I will show you how to save money by avoiding what you don’t need, and getting what you do.

Will It Work For You?


Satisfaction Guarantee 100% - Burst Badge GreenI guarantee that if you are truly willing, and if you do the work, you will experience results you hadn’t thought possible, but have often dreamed about.

I will be fully present with you as you are fully present for yourself. I won’t let you down. Our time together will be designed to maximize who you are, and to experience fully the gift you bring to the world.

I think the most dramatic connection your thoughts, awareness, and style have to me, and so many others, strikes home for women: feel safe, lack of worry, finding comfort, and trusting what to do. Thank you…and God…for “being there.” Your candor and warm ease of communicating send an energy of security. Success comes in many guises and for me, you have rejuvenated my link to the All-that-Is. – Becky Reed, Montana

Need More?
Click Here For More Testimonials


Do you see something that matches what you are looking for? LET’S TALK!  You can call me at 330 574 1189 or email me at beca DOT lewis AT gmail.com I am looking forward to hearing from you!

If you know you are ready Click Here For Your Coaching Choices. I will contact you immediately to pick a coaching time that works for both of us.

I am looking forward to learning about you and helping to clarify your purpose, mission, and promise.

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