Shifting Stories-Episode 33-Imagination Mastery-Chapter Four

Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time.

Your imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. —Albert Einstein

Now that you have the basic tools, are you ready to get started?

Each week has a different focus, but the imagination exercises each day will remain mostly the same.

Try not to get behind, but if you do, it’s okay.

This is not a race. The turtle always wins because it stays focused.

If you get your rational mind out of the way when you start these exercises, you can complete each day’s assignment within five to ten minutes.

Don’t worry. Let go. Imagine.

Be like the White Queen!

“I can’t believe that!” said Alice.

“Can’t you?” the Queen said in a pitying tone. “Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.”

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”

“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Every day we are going to be like the White Queen. She was quite the Imagination Master, wasn’t she?

She was continuously trying to get Alice to become an Imagination Master, too. In this passage from Alice In Wonderland, the White Queen gives Alice a task.

Imagine six impossible things before breakfast.

So we are going to follow her advice but do it differently.

We are going to imagine seven impossible things every day for the next seven weeks.

Except, it doesn’t have to be before breakfast, or even all at one time.

You can fill out your daily imagination forms as you go through your day, or all at once. Whichever way works best for you.

Personally, I like to sit down first thing in the morning and write out everything that comes to mind. When I allow my thoughts to flow, not judge them, I can complete this assignment within five minutes.

Perhaps it will take you longer at first, but pay attention. Is that part of yourself being like Alice and saying, “I can’t believe that.”

Remember we are not trying to be rational or use our intelligence, we are imagining!

By the way, here’s how you can tell if you are in your rational mind as you do this.

When what you are writing doesn’t feel impossible. Or it feels as if everything you imagine is stupid. Or silly. Or a waste of time.

Come on, let go.

Keep listening and reading …

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