Shifting Stories-Episode 20 -The 4 Essential Questions-Chapter Two-Part 2

Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time.

Spiritual Perception

Spiritual Perception reveals that there is nothing going on but God, Good.

Instead of thinking that there will be a time that the tares will be separated from the wheat, we know that as we gain spiritual awareness, what appears to be tares are not something that must be destroyed, but simply wheat misperceived, and then that misperception will completely dissolve what appears to be tares.

Step into the good by practicing Spiritual Perception, and reap the benefit of the constant ever-providing harvest of the Infinite.

This is a practice that will benefit everyone. It doesn’t take special equipment, or the perfect time, or money, or personal ability. It is available to each one of us at all times.

We can begin now, and never stop stepping into the good, by practicing Spiritual Perception in each moment.
*John Hargreaves—The Indivisibility Of The Infinite

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