A Metaphysical, visionary, fantasy, adventure:
When betrayal is the name of the game, can anyone win?
Dax stood at the back of the Temple watching Ibris as he stared out the window at the storm. Ibris didn’t move, acting as if he hadn’t felt Dax’s presence. They both stood there lost in their thoughts until Ibris finally turned, and the two of them stared at each other, perhaps sizing each other up and wondering what the other was thinking.
Neither one of them had on the black hooded robes that hid their identity from the people. There was no one in the Temple to see, and they certainly didn’t have to hide who they were from one another. They had known each other since they were babies. Their fathers were brothers, and when they were young their families had lived together, farming the same land that had been in their family for generations.
However, Dax’s father grew tired of farming and moved the family to the city. After that, the families only saw each other every few years, something that both boys regretted. They had been the best of friends then.
If someone had been in the Temple, they would not have thought they were related. Ibris looked like his father, tall and slim with blond hair and blue eyes.
Dax took after his mother’s side of his family, powerfully built and close to the ground with dark brown eyes that showed flakes of gold when he was angry…”
Read Betrayed, the second book in The Chronicles of Thamon, and fall in love with these characters that choose friendship, goodness, and faith in each other in order to defeat evil.