Shifting Stories-Episode 18 -The 4 Essential Questions-Chapter Two-Part 1

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Is There A God Or Isn’t There?

I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own—a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty.—Albert Einstein

Hasn’t everyone wondered, at least once, how God could allow the suffering, death, and intentional evil in the world to exist? How could he let wars continue? How can he be on both sides of a controversy?

Of course, we have also looked at the other side. We have observed the harmony and beauty of a flower, the flight of a bird, the majesty of a mountain, and we have wondered where all that could have come from, if not from an Infinite Intelligence.

In the long-standing debate over “is there a God” or “isn’t there a God,” we can agree with both sides.

The answer is: “no,” there isn’t a God that allows evil to exist; and “yes,” there is a God that is the Principle of Life.

Perhaps part of the problem is the word God. Depending on what framework of perception we grew up within, and have worked out for ourselves, either we love this name of God, or we hate it.

If we could drop our preconceived ideas about what the word God means, perhaps we would find that we are all in agreement. Perhaps we would also find a way to resolve our own internal struggle with why evil appears to exist if God is Love.

What if we stopped seeing God in terms of a powerful human that knows both good and evil, and can be swayed by human prayer and opinion?

What if instead we saw God through a scientific and Spiritual Perception as the Mind Fabric of what we perceive as the Infinite Universe?

What if God were The Infinite Intelligence that both creates and holds it all together? What if God is not in any way human, but instead is like the principle of math, the Principle of Life?

Don’t most of us blithely say that God is omnipresent, omniscience, omnipotent, and omniaction? Have we stopped to examine what this means and implies? Isn’t this a scientific statement that leads us to the evidence of God as the Principle of Life?

Could this God, the Principle of Life, be both good and evil? Wouldn’t this idea of duality negate omni? There can be no debate. Either God is completely good, or God is completely evil.

The original meaning of the word God is Good. Makes sense doesn’t it? Because if God is evil, it stands to reason that eventually, it would destroy itself.

Therefore, thinking logically, there cannot be a God that knows evil, or is on both sides of a controversy. There can only be a God that is the Infinite Principle of Life.

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