A Metaphysical, visionary, fantasy, adventure:
When betrayal is the name of the game, can anyone win?
As the tyrannical, man-made religion of Aaron-Lem spreads across the world like wildfire, banished shapeshifter Meg Portia struggles to come to terms with the weakening of her own powers. Her shapeshifting powers were what made her unique and special. Without them…who is she?
“Oblivious to the crashing of the waves that crested onto the shore only a few feet from the edge of his black robe, Ibris Elton, known as the Preacher, knelt in the wet sand on the island of Hetale. He shivered. Etar’s blue light held no warmth, but bathed the sea, sand, and the white cliffs that rose behind him in an eerie blue glow.
Even when Trin, Thamon’s second sun rose, there would be no warmth. The cold season had arrived, and both suns would never rise far above the horizon for many months. Ibris wrapped his robe around himself and raised the hood against the cold wind that flung the spray from the waves onto his back. It didn’t help.
Ibris shivered not only because of the cold but because he knew that no matter what he chose, his people would suffer. Horribly. He moaned. He couldn’t call them his people. They weren’t his people. They belonged to Aaron now, and it was his fault.
The knowledge that he would suffer didn’t matter to Ibris. For him, life was suffering. But that didn’t mean he wanted others to suffer as he did. He had dedicated his life to alleviating the suffering of others.
But the way he had chosen had been the wrong way. He knew that now, but what could he do? …”
Read Betrayed, the second book in The Chronicles of Thamon, and fall in love with these characters that choose friendship, goodness, and faith in each other in order to defeat evil.