Shifting Stories – Episode 12 – Living In Grace – Chapter Three

Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it. —Yogi Berra

When you face a fork in the road, step on the exhilarator! —Pat Riley


Why not change our point of view? After all, who really wants to live in a rut? We have seen that perceiving magnifies, so why not perceive something that would be more enjoyable. Here is a tool that can be used to get that “lid called you” out of the way.

The lid called you, or who you think you are, doesn’t really want to change. If I am trying to accomplish something that a part of Beca is afraid of, or not ready for, or doesn’t want, I have to struggle with myself.

Sometimes I am unaware that conditioned culture-impacted Beca is not in on what I want. I only find out later, when she has sabotaged me.

Of course, I am now referring to myself as two people. First, there is the person called Beca who has grown up adapting and fitting into her culture or worldview. Then there is the other person to whom I have given a separate name, who is my inner core and who already knows the Truth.

I know that we all have this inner core. To help uncover it I suggest you too give yourself another name.

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