Shifting Stories – Episode 10 – Living In Grace Chapter Two Part 4

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Chapter Two: Part Four: What we perceive to be reality magnifies.

Before we can go anywhere, we need to know our starting point. Self‐truth is the first truth. Since we are the dreamers dreaming the dream, or the mapmakers making the map, it is wise to know who we think we are. If we can’t tell the truth to ourselves, how can we know Truth?

Take a moment and write down who you believe yourself to be. What are you thinking? What are you feeling? Who and what is in your life now? How do you feel about each of these people, places, and things? Tell the truth—it is the first step to freedom—but please don’t attach any significance to these things. They are simply a set of beliefs.

Who am I today?
What am I thinking?
What am I feeling?
Who is in my life now?
How do I feel about each of these people?
What work am I doing?
How do I feel about this work?

OK. Now that you have told the truth, as you know it today, you can begin to know and understand yourself and what appear to be your problems. However, first let’s take a look at what makes up a problem. How many times have you faced a problem with effort? We think, “If I work harder at the job, relationship, business—things will get better.”

We throw our entire being into fixing the problem. And what happens? It gets worse. There is a simple reason for this. Let’s go back to the beginning. What you think about and believe becomes your reality. What you perceive to be reality magnifies.

The problem has become real because each time you think of the problem, you focus on it as a problem.

Add to that the fact that the problem is never actually the problem—it is a symptom of a choice you don’t remember making that is now dictating “reality.” Focusing on the problem with effort magnifies it. This is because all emotion acts just like a magnifying glass. It makes bigger or more “real” whatever it is focusing on. The mind only goes along for the ride.

Some people spend years trying to remember their choices. Once they uncover them, they spend more time trying to figure out how they made them. Then they have to figure out why they made each choice. Finally, they must learn how to forgive themselves and others for the reasons for the choice. This method will work, in time.

However, there is a simpler way. It starts with knowing the Truth of who we are, and acting out of that Truth now. When we study what is Real, what is unreal becomes apparent and can be easily confronted and resolved. When we focus on what is Real, what is unreal becomes obvious.

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