Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time.
Let’s start with the first book in The Shift Series that changed everything, and that means I have to start with Living in Grace: The Shift To Spiritual Perception, the preface and 1st chapter. Perhaps it will shift a story for you into something you like more than the current one.
This book is about perception and how to shift our perception to Living in Grace. This Shift of Perception will demonstrate the truth that we are all living as and in Grace now. There has never been a single moment that we have not or will not be Living in Grace. However, in this place I will call the “Earth state of mind” there appear to be paths that we must walk to remember this fact. On these paths, we search for meaning, power, and reasons for our existence. Most people in the Earth state of mind walk the “material path.”
On this path the Earth, the universe, and everything we are and do is material. In the material world perception, physical power reigns.
Some of us have “upgraded” to the “mental path” of believing it is a mental world, and everything is within and of our own thinking. We use mind‐power to accomplish our goals and live a better life. In this point of view, the mind‐body connection comes into play. We begin to say, “I can do it! All I have to do is visualize enough, and get my mind and thinking straight.” Mind‐power employs methods such as visualization and hypnotism to accomplish its goals. This mental path will sometimes diverge into another path, the path of mysticism.
The world today is fascinated by this mental or mystical power and is calling it the “Spiritual revolution”. Talk of God is accepted, and is now found in all walks of life.
It is an improved point of view over the physical standpoint, but it is not the path where this book will take you.
There is one more path—and it is the path of One Mind, that path of non‐power, the true Spiritual path. This is The Shift to being completely conscious that all that we are, know, and see, is in truth Spiritual. This is Living in Grace…. keep listening…or reading!
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