Say YES to what you want, and NO to what you don’t.

SORRY – CLOSED 2022 Here’s the book: The Intent Course.

But first. Find out what that is.

How often in your life have you said yes to something and then realized it wasn’t what you wanted? How long was it before you could get out of it?

Or perhaps you are still in it.

Or perhaps you still don’t know what you want?

This class will reveal the answer to you. If you do the “work.”

Because in order to find out what you want, clarity is essential.

  • This class will provide tools to find that clarity.
  • You will learn ways to judge whether you actually want what you are saying yes to.
  • And maybe even more importantly, ways to say no to what you don’t want and say it without guilt or fear of loss.
  • How would you feel if you were acting only from your unique spiritual blessings?

    How would you feel if all your choices brought better outcomes for you and the ones you love?

    This class can do that for you. We can do that with you. Because this class, as in all my classes, is a small, private, safe community where you can be yourself. Maybe for the first time.

    People return to these classes because no matter how good things are now, they can always get better. More joy. More happiness. More safety. More comfort. More love.

    Learn how to say yes to what you want, and no to what you don’t want, and those qualities are yours.

    Join us now because long before the first call, I will open a Slack space for your community. This means you don’t have to wait one more minute to walk the path you want to walk and step off any path not leading you to your promised land.

    I am looking forward to meeting you, or seeing you again, in the place we call living in grace.

    This is some of what the course includes:

  • A private slack community that remains open all year.
  • Assignments before the class begins so you can begin your journey when you are ready.
  • Starting January 13, seven zoom calls where you can meet your community face-to-face.
  • A digital copy of The Intent Course: Say Yes to What Moves You
  • The Intent Course notebook
  • If there is something technical stopping you, we’ll provide a solution for you.
  • Sign up now. Give your future self the gift you want. No one else knows what you really want but you.

    Note: The class closes when it’s full or on January 11, whichever comes first. (It’s a small class.)

    Say Yes
    Say Yes To What You Want
    Price: $199.00
    Say Yes
    Say Yes
    Two Payment Plan for Say Yes
    Price: $99.50
    Say Yes
    Say Yes
    Four Payment Plan for the Say Yes (Every Two Weeks)
    Price: $50.00

    I am looking forward to starting 2022 with you as we gain clarity and courage together.




    From January 9th to January 15th—assuming there are still seats (why take the chance) it will be a one-time payment of $229.

    If you know you want this, say yes now. We’ll figure out the rest together.

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