Beca’s Blog

The Divine Reset: Embracing Infinite Possibility

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

A World Renewed Begins With You. Start now. Have you ever wondered why we spend countless hours arguing with what isn’t working instead of simply resetting what we believe? Since we ultimately see what we believe, wouldn’t this approach make more sense? The answer lies in our conditioning. Breaking Free From Old Programming From our [...]

Start Small — Change The World

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

What’s one problem you can solve today? For years, every few months, when I opened my curtains, the curtain rod would separate and fall down. Until one day, I said to myself, “There must be a solution to this.” And, of course, there was. I took clear packing tape and wrapped it around where the [...]

What Remains: Honor your past and gift the future.

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

In the 1970s, my family and I lived on Park Place in Venice Beach, California, in an old two-story house that had been converted into four apartments. When we first moved in, I was pregnant with my second child, and we rented one of the small downstairs apartments. But it was a little bigger than [...]

When Connection Is Severed: Is It Gone?

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

My sister and I always felt connected through our friends and family apps on our phones. Sometimes, we’d text each other about where we could see each other. “How is Spain?” I’d ask. Or she’d say, “Welcome home,” after I returned from a trip. So the day her husband finally turned off her phone and [...]

Yesterday is Not Today Unless We Choose It To Be

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Tell a new story, one that you love. Has this ever happened to you? As you read a book, it transported you to the time and place it was happening. Maybe it was so effective that you were irritated when someone interrupted you, making you return to the “real” world? As an author, I hope [...]

Perception Rules

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Perception Rules: Choose the ones you want to live with. One morning, on my walk, I saw a woman walking a dog. Clueless about dog breeds, I just knew it was big and brown. The next time I passed her, coming the other way, she was still walking a dog. This time, it was big [...]

Algorithms: Love Them Or Hate Them

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

They Don’t care. Algorithms affect all aspects of our lives. Whenever you choose something online, shop, read, search, or map a destination, you trigger an algorithm. And that little darling, that lives to serve, says to itself, “Ah, this is what she likes. Let’s eliminate things that get in the way of her finding what [...]

Riding Time As A Bird Rides The Wind

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

It’s Always The Last Time Sometimes we know when it will be the last time. Most often, we don’t. Sometimes we wish it was the last time, but we can’t seem to stick to that agreement to let go. The truth is, it’s always the last time. We will never be exactly the same person [...]

Let Grief Expand Into Joy

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Let go, celebrate life, and allow joy. I didn’t notice how hard my year had been until I started on the final edit of my book, Follow Me Here. It all started last May, my favorite month of the year. Behind the scenes of everyday life, I would discover what grief feels like. It began [...]

Does What We Think Create? No.

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For a few years, I had a very special bluebird who always did the strangest thing in April. We have many bluebirds near our home, but this one was different. He visited me. He would move between my windows and my glass door, hitting his beak on the glass. Bump, bump, and tap, tap. He [...]

Do You Like The Story You Are Telling?

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If not, why not write another one? “In the beginning was the Word.” John 1:1 Notice that this phrase doesn’t say “words.” Nor does it mention stories. That’s because words and stories belong within our version of creation. Perhaps our version is a realm, a dimension, or a computer game. Who knows? Not me. What [...]

Your Human Package Is Always Going To Say No…

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

But you can say yes. Waiting for your human brain to want to do something means you’ll probably be waiting forever. Well, maybe not forever, since forever is, well, forever. But definitely, it will be a rare event when you wake up and want to—really want to—clean the house, write a book, or make the [...]

Stop Thinking Like A Human

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You know how humans think. It’s up, down, back and forth, against something, for something. As humans, we expect to experience everything from tragedy to joy. Do we have a choice? Aren’t we human? Maybe, maybe not. Isn’t human a label for a set of beliefs and paradigms? So what would happen if we didn’t [...]

Do You Sparkle Or Blurp

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

While working in my office one morning, I glanced out the window at the solar water fountain in the birdbath and realized I was just like that fountain. Have ever watched one? When the sun is out, it shoots water out into the air a foot high. The water sparkles and shines in the sun [...]

Assumptions Can Sometimes Be True.

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

I was ready to record a batch of videos. I always write a bunch of scripts and record all the videos at one time. That way, I only have to do the setup once. After forty-five minutes of setup time, I was ready to begin. But my test video was beyond terrible. The lighting was [...]

Stella was a person. Now she’s not.

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

And this is why that’s a good thing… For a few years, I had a real live assistant named Stella. I shared her time with a few other people in the office, but it was the first time in my life I could turn over some of my work to someone else with the assumption [...]

Lessons From Moving Mom

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

I have renewed respect for anyone who has cleaned out a parent’s home. And a renewed determination to try to make it easier for my children when the time comes. Recently, we moved our mom to a personal care room. It’s lovely, she’s happy, but it is the size of a hotel room. She lived [...]

Reprogramming Perceptions Like A Computer

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AI, Prayer, and Jolts Who are we but the stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves, and believe? —Scott Turow AI is the buzzword we hear everywhere these days. But of course, we have been using forms of artificial intelligence for years, from GPS to Fitbits to editing programs. Actually, the list is endless. ChatGPT has [...]

What You Can See In The Dark

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

Many years ago, my mentor told me that a bird flying into the sun becomes invisible to its predators. She was reminding me to hide in the light while pursuing freedom, creativity, and enlightenment. Now I get it. And it’s all because I have learned that to have really clean floors, I need to sweep [...]

Are You Keeping Your Promise

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

The radio and then TV show This Is Your Life was designed to show people that they had many people who cared about them, had a bright future, and had made a difference in people’s lives. Intentional or not. But it did something else. It showed how seldom life turns out how we thought it [...]

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