My favorite tools for being productive and creative and effective.

Check back often. I am always adding new tools.


If you are doing any kind of recording—audio, video, both together—then Descript is the program to use. It has eliminated SO much time spent using other programs. And it gets better every day. Get Descript Here.


Share documents with yourself or others. I keep EVERYTHING in dropbox. No need to back up your computer since everything will be there.

AI Programs

Edit and make videos in Descript.


Scrivener: Rewrite, reorder, rejoice. I couldn’t write at all– or track all that I do — without Scrivener!

The same group of people who make Scrivener have a new product called SCAPPLE that is used for mind mapping. Check it out here.

Ready to format your book? I’ve used multiple design programs but Atticus is hands down the best. Easy to use, and constantly improving.

Plottr Logo I am a discovery writer. BUT, I have to track characters, scenes, plots as I go, and this program is soooo helpful. So you can be a pantser or a planner – Plottr works perfectly. It eliminates at least two other ways I was tracking all of that, and puts it in one spot. Plus very creative and easy to use.

The Story Grid


This is the best editing program ever. ProWritingAid connects to Scrivener cutting out a few steps in the editing process.

But I since I like working with different sources I also use Grammarly and highly recommend it.


Need a great shopping cart? This cart does almost everything you can think of — and it keeps adding more benefits. Easily integrate it with almost every service provider you can think of. Check Out THRIVE CART


Want to use something other than Paypal? Try WISE


There are many courses being offered that you DON’T need. Not sure, ask me. In the meantime, here are some I use and find very, very, helpful.

Sign up for the email to get notices when David makes a new course. You’ll get them at a beta price and he is ALWAYS up to date about all new ideas and programs. His latest course on AI is awesome. Web Video Uninversity

When Mark Dawson opens his courses. Get them. He updates them all the time.

Want to learn about Amazon Ads? Bryan Cohen is the man.

I love learning about writing from Claire Taylor.

I have more … I’ll add them.


Use this Publisher Rocket to find a market for you books, and much more!

(And I have more … just wait.)




99 Designs


>>>I’ve been using this DIY themes for many years. They have the best support, and are always cutting edge. Check Out Focus Here!

>>>USE KIT (was Convert Kit). for your email list. The best part? It has a free option for your first 1000 Subscribers. Everything you could ask for is in the program, and they are always adding more benefits. So yes, I recommend Convert Kit.

>>>Get your names and HOST your website here. Very inexpensive and easy to use. Excellent service! I have used it for many years.
Blue Host

>>>You need a way to see how your website is doing. Monster Insights works well, and is easy to use.

>>>YOAST is the “king” of SEO. I use the free version, for now.

Publishing Help

I have a huge list here … will get back to it

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