Golden Chains and Silver Cards

A Perception Parable About Letting Go
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This is a story about two ways of thinking that tie us down, and prevent us from living the lives we desire. However, we all also have been inspired to let go by someone else who has walked the path before us, leading the way to freedom.
In this story, our Handsome Bull Frog is tied down by who he has always been and the admiration that it gains him from others. Through the example of his new friend, The Midnight Leaper, he learns how to let go and fly!
Once upon a time there was a very handsome and proud bullfrog that lived on a lily pad in the middle of a large silver lake.
He was known throughout all the land as the frog with the prettiest skin and the most beautiful eyes and he was very proud of both.
He was very careful about the way he looked. He would never venture out onto his pad until he was sure he looked his best with the perfect bow tie to match his mood.
This frog was looked up to by many of the other frogs in the lake because he always knew the right thing to say. They admired and envied his wide mouthed grin.
All the lady frogs adored him. They loved to stare into his large, lovely, blue-green eyes and imagine that he loved them the most. They felt very lucky when he would invite them over at night to dance with him on his lily pad while he sang gentle songs into their ears.
However, when he was alone, which wasn’t very often, he would practice his favorite sport of jumping.
Of course, all frogs love to jump. But this frog was especially happy when he could jump alone at night on his own pad.
He was sure that someday it would bring him all the attention he desired.
However, until then, he did it because it always made him feel wonderful. He would crouch as low as he could and with all the power that he could muster, push off into the night; leaping for the moon and sailing through the sky.
One night as he jumped he saw an awesome sight…..
Love’s Silent Sweet Secret

A Perception Parable About Love
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Discover the silent, but oh so sweet secret of how to remain in love and even if it appears to be lost or misplaced, find it again.
In this modern day fairy tale that anyone can understand and relate to, no matter what age or sex, the secret to the love that lasts is revealed.
Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife who were very good friends.
Their names were Agatha and Winston.
Agatha was a small, very round, gray bear who loved to amble through flower gardens smelling the flowers and petting the bees. Winston was a tall rather saggy and unstuffed brown bear.
This unstuffedness caused him to look a little shaky, but once one got to know him they would find that he was really quite dignified and precise.
Some of their friends could not understand how Agatha and Winston became such good friends.
After all, it seemed as if they were nothing alike and had nothing in common. In addition, it was clear that Agatha was much sillier than Winston. The gossip was that Winston only kept Agatha around to have a good laugh when he was alone.
These people were foolish friends—if one could call them friends. They did not understand the silent, sweet secret shared by Agatha and Winston. Their shared secret kept them awake at night with delight, and made them laugh out loud in the day.
This wonderful secret kept them such sound friends that they never once argued.
They loved each other for exactly who and what they were. Winston loved Agatha’s round slow plumpness and the way that she could stand so firm even if the wind was blowing hard enough to bend strong trees.