Your Life as a Container: A Different Way to Think About Personal Growth

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

Imagine your life as a container–specifically, a bowl.

While this might seem like an unusual comparison, it offers some interesting insights about how we live and what we choose to keep in our lives.

As Maya Angelou once said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”

Similarly, the more we understand about what we choose to fill our lives with, the more capacity we have to make meaningful choices.

Key Ideas:

1. Purpose and Usefulness

– Just as bowls are designed to hold and share things, each person has their own unique way of being useful in the world
– You don’t need to be fancy or perfect to serve a purpose
– Like well-used bowls, our experiences, and even our “breaks” can make us stronger and more valuable
– Consider what unique contributions you’re designed to make – some bowls are meant for mixing, others for serving, and others for storage

2. Filtering What Enters Your Life

– Think of yourself as having a built-in strainer
– You can choose what to keep and what to let go
– Not everything others try to “pour” into your life needs to stay there
– It’s okay to filter out negativity, unnecessary drama, or harmful influences
– Remember that what you keep becomes part of what you can offer others

3. Protection and Boundaries

– Like a bowl with a lid, you can protect what’s valuable in your life

    – Set boundaries against people who:

  • – Try to dump their negativity into your life
  • – Attempt to take away your positive energy
  • – Don’t respect your limits

– Maintain and protect the good qualities in your life: kindness, integrity, and positive relationships
– Consider carefully who gets access to your deepest thoughts and feelings

4. Community and Support

– Like stackable bowls, people are stronger when they support each other
– Building connections with like-minded individuals creates resilience
– Working together multiplies our positive impact
– Just as different bowls serve different purposes, diverse communities bring varied strengths

Practical Applications:

– Be selective about what you allow into your life
– Don’t become a dumping ground for others’ negativity
– Protect your positive qualities and values
– Connect with others who share your values
– Remember that you define your purpose and how you serve others
– Take time to “empty your bowl” when needed through reflection or meditation
– Consider what unique gifts you have to offer that others might need

The Dalai Lama touches on this concept when he says, “In dealing with those who are undergoing great suffering, if you feel ‘burnout’ setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself. The point is to have a long-term perspective.”

This speaks directly to the importance of knowing when to empty our bowl, when to fill it, and when to protect what’s inside.

This metaphor reminds us that we have control over what we accept into our lives and how we choose to be useful to others.

It’s about being intentional with our choices and protecting what matters while filtering out what doesn’t serve us.

Whether your bowl is currently full or empty, cracked or whole, it has a unique purpose that only you can fulfill.

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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