Start Small — Change The World

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

What’s one problem you can solve today?

For years, every few months, when I opened my curtains, the curtain rod would separate and fall down.

Until one day, I said to myself, “There must be a solution to this.”

And, of course, there was.

I took clear packing tape and wrapped it around where the rods joined so they no longer slipped apart when I opened the curtains.

It took me two minutes.

Why hadn’t I thought of that before?

It made life a little bit better.

Now, I don’t have to get out the little step stool to fix the rods. I don’t have the moment of panic as I open the curtain, wondering if it would be the time they came apart.

Nope. Years of a problem solved in two minutes.

  • Did I have to get frustrated enough to think about fixing it?
  • Did I think it was too small of a problem to bother fixing?
  • Did I think I didn’t know how to fix it?

Yes. All of those.


  • What are you frustrated about?
  • What’s too small of a problem to bother fixing
  • What don’t you think you can fix?

I wonder what would happen if we each took one small thing, maybe even just one a week, and said to ourselves, “There must be a better way.”

Listened to the answer and then did something to fix it.

What would happen?

How many long-term problems would never come about because we fixed the small ones?

Let’s find out together.

Tell me, what’s a problem that bugs you at least once in a while that you dismiss, maybe because you are too busy, the problem is too small to bother with, or you don’t know how to fix it.

Let’s figure out a solution together.


It can be as small as the curtain rod coming apart or as important as what to do to be ready if there is an emergency.

We have big problems because we can’t, or don’t want to, face the small ones.

And this reluctance, or fear, or resistance is all in our own thinking. Our perception of ourselves and the world.

It’s not going to get better on its own.

It requires each of us to tackle one problem and then move on to the next.

It’s easier to fix something when it’s small than to figure out what to do after it becomes a disaster.

We are all aware of that, aren’t we?

If we could, we would all want the fires, floods, wars, and diseases not to be happening. Once they start, they are hard to stop.

But perhaps if we each take care of the small things, often, consciously, with intent, we will have eliminated the small spark that starts the big problem.

Think big by starting small.

And let’s do it together. Not tomorrow. Today.

Come chat with me about this either in one of my classes, or circle, or Substack chat, or comment below. Let’s learn together.

Myths control perception. Perception controls reality. Not the other way around. All societies – big and small – countries, businesses, political movements, military organizations, etc, are governed by them, whether they like it or not. Change how people see the world, and you change the world itself. — Gaping Void

6 comments… add one
Phyllis McDonald February 8, 2025, 1:57 pm

Great message, Beca. Sometimes I have insights on how to do something differently and find that it makes such a difference. I marvel that I had not seen/perceived the idea before when the answer was a thought away.
Your comments remind me to be proactive and alert to the little things that bug me but I mindlessly live with and to stop/pause and focus/listen. Ask myself is there a better, simpler, more refined way of dealing with the issue? I trust that this mental stance will open the door to a fresh perspective and maybe a better way of doing things.

Beca Lewis February 8, 2025, 2:46 pm

It will! Can’t wait to hear what a difference it will make!

Becky January 25, 2025, 8:29 am

I read this morning , page 530:27, and thought…what does that mean. Google sent me to your Linked In comment and now I know you…I know what it means. And I thank you

Beca Lewis January 25, 2025, 9:08 am

So good, Becky!

Roger K. Allen January 18, 2025, 9:48 am

Before I retired in 2018, whenever I had a perplexing problem that did not have an obvious solution, I would review he problem before going home and tell myself “there is a solution to this problem.” The next morning the solution would present itself. I did not mull over the problem, but set it aside until the next morning.

Beca Lewis January 19, 2025, 3:12 pm

I love that Roger! I call it backgrounding. It does work well, doesn’t it?

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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Beca Lewis
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