Algorithms: Love Them Or Hate Them

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

They Don’t care.

Algorithms affect all aspects of our lives.

Whenever you choose something online, shop, read, search, or map a destination, you trigger an algorithm.

And that little darling, that lives to serve, says to itself, “Ah, this is what she likes. Let’s eliminate things that get in the way of her finding what she likes and just show her what she is already interested in.”

In some ways, this is quite efficient. It eliminates much of the massive information overload that threatens to take over every minute of our lives.

Plus, algorithms are useful for figuring out things.

For example, the Babylonian clay tablets had algorithms carved into them. They were used to compute the time and place of significant events.

So, even though it seems that algorithms have only started to impact our lives for better or worse, depending on your point of view, they have been around forever and are certainly not going anywhere soon.

When we eliminate something that doesn’t work for something that does, we are using the science of algorithms.

So whether you bemoan the use of algorithms or celebrate them, they are present in almost every aspect of our lives.

Here’s how they work.

They filter out what “they” determine is useless information and provide what “they” determine we want based on past choices.

Wait. Does this sound familiar?


Perception works in exactly the same way. It filters out what it figures is useless information for us and gives us what it thinks we want based on past choices.

And like algorithms, what we perceive to be real directly affects our lives.

As Wayne Dyer said, “You’ll see it when you believe it.”

But there is one very clear and important difference.

Perception is something we personally can change directly.

We can choose to break through, shift out of what we have been told to believe or chosen to believe and let in more information.

We can change our minds. We can learn more. See more. Do more. Shift our lives. Shift our thinking. Shift our lives.

It’s called free will—conscious choosing.

As we choose to shift our perceptions, guess what will happen? We will retrain the algorithms. Not the other way around.

So if you ever wonder why some people never seem to see the bigger picture, believe lies, or follow people who are harmful, you can see what has happened.

As we all have, they have chosen a perception that eliminates anything that does not agree with what they already believe.

We must be obsessively vigilant about examining what perception, aka algorithm, we believe and stop supporting it, which only strengthens it and makes it more efficient.

We can break out of the worldview algorithms—perceptions—that limit life, that claim evil is more powerful, or at least as powerful as good, and choose instead to at least contemplate the infinite and its unlimited possibilities.

Let’s practice this in small ways to get good at “bigger” ways.

Step outside. What do you see? What do you expect to see? That’s what you will see.

Seriously. That’s how it works.

But just like any skill, it takes practice. A lot of practice.

Not just a few minutes once a week.

It takes a constant desire to see more of the truth that underlies what appears to be real, but is only a sign or symbol of what it represents.

While I am practicing this skill, I start with a perception that I want to live with. The best one that I can think of.

What about you?

Can you expand your ideas of what is already present and choose more of the infinite good so that the algorithm—perception—that is filtering your life lets in more of what you desire?

I know you can!

Do you want to become better at this perception-shifting thing? I’ve got books and classes designed just for that.

Plus, I have a live class called Perception Mastery coming up in the fall (it will be here sooner than you think). Imagine that!

If you are serious about shifting your algorithm, perception, and life, join now. (It’s an intentionally small class, so you can get all the help you want.)

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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