Stop Thinking Like A Human

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

You know how humans think.

It’s up, down, back and forth, against something, for something. As humans, we expect to experience everything from tragedy to joy.

Do we have a choice? Aren’t we human? Maybe, maybe not.

Isn’t human a label for a set of beliefs and paradigms?

So what would happen if we didn’t think of ourselves as human?

Wouldn’t we see, hear, taste, and experience more of what is already available to us?

Yes, we would.

And this is because all our perceptions, agreements, and beliefs about ourselves—first that we are human—and then all the labels we have about what kind of human we are, filter out anything that doesn’t agree with the paradigm.

Human paradigms produce separation. Think of the ways we divide ourselves—wealth, religion, weight, skin color, sex, height, birth parents, country… Actually, the list is endless.

Some of these belief systems divide us so much that they turn into wars where one kind of human claims a right that another kind can’t have.

Not only do we separate and divide on a large scale, we do it to ourselves. We measure ourselves against others and either fall short or feel superior.

You are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while. ― Eckhart Tolle

What if we stopped thinking that we are human and started seeing ourselves and others as part of one grand picture? Even if we stay within a material measurement, my atoms are the same as yours, simply arranged differently.

None of us share the same perceptions. But we all get the option to choose which ones we want. This is the true meaning of free will.

What we choose determines not only the outcome for ourselves but for the world as a whole.

You know why. We are not separate.

Since our human self is just a bag of changing perceptions, which we can and must shift to being more of who we really are (hint: not human), let’s release cherished perceptions that limit who we are and what we can do.

If we spent just a few moments a day imagining ourselves as part of the vast cosmos, organized for a time in a shape called human, what would we choose to do?

  • How would we think differently?
  • What would we do differently?
  • Would we behave differently?

And even though we mostly live within the perception of being human, it doesn’t have to be a prison of beliefs.

When we shift to a spiritual perception even for a second, a perception which does not include separation of any kind, it lets in the light of Truth, and that has to shift the outward picture.

What we perceive to be reality magnifies So why not choose to let go of the idea of human and choose instead the expanded view that we are the expression of the Divine.

It doesn’t matter how you define the Divine for yourself, just do your best to make it inclusive, intelligent, and the Principle of Love.

Let’s think like a spiritual being, not a human, and observe what happens.

Man is the reflection of Soul. –Mary Baker Eddy

Would you like help to stop thinking like a human? Or to shift your perception?

Try The Shift Series Books. Want more help? Check out The Shift Series Courses.

2 comments… add one
Kathy November 21, 2023, 6:02 pm

Freed from human thought; what a great freedom that is!

Beca Lewis November 22, 2023, 8:39 pm

Amen to that Kathy!

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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