Reprogramming Perceptions Like A Computer

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

AI, Prayer, and Jolts

Who are we but the stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves, and believe? —Scott Turow

AI is the buzzword we hear everywhere these days. But of course, we have been using forms of artificial intelligence for years, from GPS to Fitbits to editing programs. Actually, the list is endless.

ChatGPT has also been around for years. Only now that it has become more visible, personally useful, and perhaps dangerous are we all talking about it.

But what I want to examine is not the good or bad of AI but the fact that a form of artificial intelligence has been with us from the beginning of all our lives.

What is it? It’s our own personal programming of our perceptions.

So, answering the question, what if AI is programming our lives? The answer is yes, it already is. We call it our subconscious.

Because AI and our subconscious perceptions work the same way.

Here’s how they are similar.

>Neither knows nor cares if it is right or wrong.

>They both simply take what they have learned from the worldview and what we tell it and retell or reproduce it in an infinite loop.

>Neither knows if you are joking or if you are being sarcastic.

>It feeds back what you say to it — or prompt it — as truth.

So when we say to ourselves, “You are an idiot,” what does it think we want it to reproduce? Intelligence — or more idiocy? You guessed it, more idiocy.


When we say, “I am sick, or bad, or angry, or guilty,” what do we get? More. Because we have prompted our personal AI, aka unconscious, subconscious, to reproduce what we said.

That’s different from saying, “I have a belief that I am sick, bad, angry, or guilty.” Saying it that way, we are the observers, not the programmers. And that gives us the ability to reset what is claimed to be true about us.

When we start our prayers with a belief in the problem, it reinforces it. Why not start with a story — or truth — or at least what you want the outcome to be, rather than reprogramming what isn’t working?

Do you have to believe it to “make it work?” No. We only have to remove preconceived ideas, both hidden and known.

Is this easy to do? No. Easy to say. But to accomplish it takes awareness, willingness, and lots of practice.

That’s why gratitude is always on everyone’s list of how to make things better. Because when we start with gratitude, our programming gives us more of what we are grateful for having.

Am I leaving out a higher power when I say our subconscious is like AI? Just the opposite. Because choosing a higher-power-point-of-view and state-of-mind perception as Reality will erase false programming and allow the truth of who we are to emerge.

We have all seen images of people emerging out of smoke and ruin. Think of it that way. As we stop programming worldview perceptions and choose the best higher-power-based awareness that we have in each moment, we emerge out of the mist of worldview misunderstanding of who we are.


Recently, two weekends of windstorms blew down multiple trees in our area, knocked out power for some people for four days or more, and disrupted countless lives.

This sounds like a bad thing. And, of course, it was. On the other hand, it wasn’t.

Because it was a jolt, and sometimes jolts are what we all need in order to see life differently and then reset the programming.

While the power was out, everything was different. We had cords from the generator snaking throughout our house, running the important things, like the refrigerator and freezers.

Stacks of charging batteries waited for us in case we needed them to charge phones, computers, and tablets. The sound of generators running filled the neighborhood. A gas stove meant I could still cook, but we ate at a different time.

I spent one of those days at a local Panera doing what I had to do to prepare for the next class I am teaching, listening in on stories of fallen trees and repair crews.

In a way, it was sad to have the power return because life returned to normal. Within a few hours, the house was free of cords and batteries and quiet again. The adventure was over.

But what did we all learn? What did I learn? Did we learn anything at all?

Did we get “gifted” anything because of the storm?

Because all jolts are gifts.

They ask us to reexamine what is important. To notice what we hold dear and make sure we have protected it and not taken it for granted. To ask ourselves what we ignore that needs to be shifted.

Storms of life will always arrive. Things, as they are, will change. Daily routines will be interrupted.

It’s up to us to decide if we will act on what we have noticed or pretend that it won’t happen again.

All jolts are an opportunity to reset the AI programming of our lives for something better. Use proper prayer to reset perceptions. Expect results. Prepare for results. Take action as if it will work.

Remember, whatever you say to yourself or others, acts the same way that prompts work with ChatGPT. Garbage in, garbage out.

It must be why we are often reminded to think only about what is good, and beautiful, and pure. That perception shift will move us out of the mist into our true spiritual nature and into what is not artificial intelligence, but infinite intelligence, the Divine Mind.

The instant we wake the story begins: “Here I am. In my bed. Hard worker, good dad, decent husband, a guy who always tries his best. Jeez, my back hurts. Probably from the stupid gym.”
And just like that, with our thoughts, the world gets made.
Or, anyway, a world gets made.
— George Sanders

4 comments… add one
Fay April 20, 2023, 8:21 pm

Thank you Beca for this timely clarification. Mrs. Eddy says in her sermon “Christian Healing” (p. 7), “It is the language of Soul instead of the senses; it translates matter into its original language, which is Mind, and gives the spiritual instead of the material signification.”
“The real jurisdiction of the world is in Mind”. MB Eddy – thank goodness ❤️

Beca Lewis April 22, 2023, 5:56 am

Amen to that, Fay! Thank you for sharing that quote …

Diane April 17, 2023, 11:05 am

So good. We are a microcosm of AI. Or, AI is a microcosm of us…

Beca Lewis April 17, 2023, 1:31 pm

So many possibilities!

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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