Lead With Your Heart

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

One morning, while writing my next book, I looked up and saw a man jogging down our road. Years of teaching dance kicked in, and I said to him—in my thoughts only—”Lead with your pelvis, not your head.”

Laughing at myself for still having that habit of correcting movement, I thought back to when I first heard that phrase.

My modern dance teacher at UCLA (called modern then, interpretive dance now) was the one who would constantly tell us to lead with our pelvis.

“Make your movement come from your center,” she would call out. She would use the visual from Carlos Castaneda’s book, The Teachings of Don Juan, to make her point. We were to imagine a beam of light coming from us and leading us forward.

The light was the power. Not us.

That morning, watching the jogger, I realized the perfectness of that symbol. Lead with your gut, heart, and inspiration, otherwise known as your feminine. Not with your head.

As a society, we have had this backward for a long time. When we take action without listening to the feminine, our heart first—as the saying goes—all hell breaks loose. We are daily witnesses to the truth of this saying. Hell has been breaking loose.

This is because, for the most part, this world does not, and has not, honored the feminine first.

As symbolized by women, the world most often treats women with, at the least, disrespect, and at the worst, as property.

However, this is not about women versus men. Because each of us contains both the feminine and the masculine.

All of us can lead with the heart.

But as we disrespect the physical representation of the feminine, we also often disrespect, ignore, and stamp out our internal feminine guidance.

All of us, men and women, must remember to first begin with the feminine within and be guided by what it tells us. Then we can use the masculine qualities to take action and carry out the desires of the feminine.

Too many of us have stopped listening to that wise, still small voice within. When we let ourselves be captured by the need to have more things, or control, or use power for ourselves only, we silence the feminine, and we forget where true power lies.

But it can be remembered. All of us can become better listeners.

And those who aren’t listening at all can awaken and remember because it is within our nature to move to the light.

Yes, sometimes that doesn’t appear to be true. But we can turn the tide back to the feminine and prove that it is.

We could spend time each day knowing this Truth about the people we most despair of who are no longer being guided by the feminine or the light.

Because either Love is omnipotent and omnipresent, or it’s not.

If we can constantly and consistently choose the perception that Love is omnipotent and act from that perception, we will regain our ability to listen to the feminine first.

Then we can do what must be done to care for the needs of those impacted by action taken by others listening to the wrong voice, leading from the head and not the heart first.

I call this listening to the feminine, listening for Angel Ideas. But it is also called intuition, gut feelings, and heart awareness. Whatever we call it, let’s start there.

But how do we know it’s the feminine, the heart, speaking?

It’s not hard to figure out.

We can ask ourselves if what the voice asks us to do is kind. Is it all-inclusive? Does it treat all beings as equals? Is it expanding?

Does it require a commitment to something that is not easy for us to do because of past habits and beliefs? Which, because that voice requires more from us, may make us want not to listen. But we can listen and do it anyway.

It’s not the easy path. But it is the right one.

It is the high road. And the more of us that walk that path, the easier it will get because we find others who will remind us, guide us, and be there for us when we falter.

And one day, there will be no us or them because we will all listen to the feminine first. It could be today. Or tomorrow. But since Love is omnipotent and omnipresent, in Truth, it is already how it works. We only have to wake up to it.

A friend once asked me, “How do you know it’s God speaking?” If you are interested in reading how I answered her, you can find the ten ways to tell here.

And if you are interested in being a beta member of our new Perception Circle, where we practice these concepts together, you can check it out here.

2 comments… add one
Kathy July 23, 2022, 7:33 am

Very thoughtful.

Beca Lewis July 27, 2022, 6:32 pm

Thank you, Kathy!

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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