The Two Word Key To Everything

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences. — Robert Louis Stevenson

How many times have you tried to change someone, or even yourself, and failed miserably?

Without knowing a single thing about what happened or what you were trying to do, I know why it probably didn’t work as well as you wanted it to.

One day, I decided I wanted to stop getting in my way. I wasn’t doing anything overt. However, I could feel myself not letting things happen. Very subtle.

But it was becoming quite annoying. I wanted to experience more of what we all know, that the universe moves towards us, and the Infinite loves to provide us with what we want and desire.

I asked myself, “If that’s true, why does everything stay about the same?” After all, we live in an ever-expanding universe filled with more riches than we can ever imagine. Why don’t all of us consistently experience an overabundance of wealth in all its forms?

The answer is simple. The solution is also simple, but not easy.

We have to break the habit of consciously and unconsciously saying no to what is being offered. We have to stop the habit of walking away from the open hand, bearing gifts.

Why do we do this? Perhaps we think we’re not worthy. Or we believe we can do it ourselves, thank you very much. Or we are self-contained. Or we are afraid that having what we want will bring us responsibilities that we don’t think we can handle. Or we are trapped in our habits.

For sure, our perceptions have made us prisoners of what we believe.

We allow enough abundance into our lives to keep us comfortable in whatever manner we expect or are used to. But against more than that, we erect a barrier. Yes, invisible most of the time, but still a barrier.

When I am paying attention, I can feel the barriers I’ve put up. Observing my habits, I realize I have lots of them hanging out in the tiny crevices of my life, ready to be called into action if I should need them. They willingly spring into action if there is too much supply of wealth in my life.

So I took to heart, once again—because I, like you, have done this countless times in my life—the first step of any shift. I decided to be willing. Really willing. Consciously willing. Willing to say yes. Willing to break old habits.

It’s easy to say we are willing. But are we?

Inside, unconsciously, are we shutting down our energy? Are we blocking help? Are we saying, “that’s too much for me to handle?”

To change anything at all, from life to light bulbs, we have to be willing. And when we are willing—well, stand back because things will flow.

The universe moves towards us and pools at our feet, providing what we need long before asking for it. We stand on the abundant earth that has been given to us. We walk through its air, drink its water, glory in its beauty. Can not the Intelligence that provides all this provide for its loved ones? It can. It does.

Say yes.

Say yes to what Life wants to give you.

Be willing to do what it takes to receive it. Be willing to ask for help. Be willing to step forward into your gifts. The gift always contains a way to use it. Would an intelligent divine Mind design Life any other way?

Be willing is the key to what works and what doesn’t. We can’t help anyone if they are not willing, including ourselves. It’s the first step to making any shift or change in our lives. Be willing. Everything flows from that one point.

My dance teacher at UCLA used to say, “Expand, take up space.” It’s the same thing. Be willing to be who you are, and surrender to abundance.

Be willing—the two-word key to everything.

Excerpt from Perception Mastery: Seven Simple Steps To Lasting Change

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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