How To Dissolve Any Problem

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

You can dissolve any problem.

Yes, this is a preposterous statement. Any problem? Yes, any problem. Eventually. But there is a price to pay.

Not in money. But in paying this price, you don’t give up anything. You will get something.

Because what you want is not something you hold in your hand. It’s something to hold in your heart.

In eighth grade, one of my teachers would begin every class with this question, “What is your major maladjustment?”

What a question. I’m not sure any of us ever answered him or that we even understood the question. What we knew was that it was time to adjust ourselves away from what we were doing to being present in class.

That’s the price we paid to learn. Some of us paid that price. Some of us didn’t because not everyone wanted to learn what he was teaching.

But were we conscious of what we wanted? In eighth grade. Doubtful.

Even now, all of us all grown up, I’m not sure many of us know what we want.

We think we do. We argue for it. We dislike others who disagree with what we think we want. We don’t like certain people or how things are. We live in disharmony, thinking that’s what we want.

Or we are not thinking, and instead, we believe that disharmony will bring us what we want. Or worse, don’t realize we are living in disharmony.

We would find the solutions and answers to problems faster if we understood that moving towards what we want is not the same as resisting what we don’t want.

And some things we want are not worth wanting.

I was trying to make a decision about doing something that I didn’t want to do. I believed I had good reasons. But it was causing conflict and turmoil within me, so I knew I was missing something. I asked myself if resisting what was being asked of me was working? It was not. So what did I really want?

I wanted harmony. I wanted people to feel safe with me. I wanted to move on in my life. I wanted to be kind and caring.

Once I realized that was what I wanted, the resistance and anger melted. Both sides of the problem dissolved away, and I knew what to do.

The more we resist something and fight against it, the stronger the hold it has on us. Our fighting makes it into something.

When I stopped resisting, fighting, arguing about the right and wrong of my decision, and asked myself what I wanted, that dissolved the problem.

The habit of doing or not doing something because we are fighting its opposite keeps us locked into the problem. When we remember that what we want are heart qualities like harmony, safety, joy, happiness, peace, comfort, and love, the choices we make will move in that direction, and that provides the solution to any problem.

War on anything makes more of the problem.

This doesn’t mean that we all need to think the same way. It means we all choose to walk towards the same destination.

Anger, resentment, fear, and separation are not a destination. They are obstacles.

But obstacles and problems dissolve when we seek solutions by moving towards what we really want, which are always the qualities of the heart. Having the same destination but different ways of viewing ways to get there leaves us all open to creative solutions.

Yes, there are people who believe what they want is more power, money, and control and are willing to walk away from the qualities of the heart.

Are you one of those people?

I didn’t think so. Let’s not be afraid of those false wants and stop providing them with the only power they have.

As we move towards what we do want, those people and their agenda will have less to feed on.

They are few. We are many. Money does not run the world. Community, cooperation, caring, unity, kindness, creativity, and love do.

Once we accept that this is what we really want, it will help us find solutions to adjust that major maladjustment that only is a problem because we have ignored it or given it power by giving in to a fear of it, the symptoms of which are anger, distrust, and separation.

Yes, we can dissolve problems—even the small ones. Have a problem with what to wear today? Do you want to be comfortable or stylish? Yes, it’s possible to be both.

But which one do you want the most? That answer will provide the solution.

Right or happy?

Know what you want.

Keep what you want held within kindness, grace, and love, and eventually, we will dissolve all these separation issues.

But every day will be better than the last if we begin with the correct premise, that harmony, kindness, and unity are the law of Love, and it is the only power.

Let’s not give our power away to anything that moves us into distrust, fear, and separation.

Within Grace, we will find practical solutions that will dissolve any problem. Let’s make it sooner rather than later.

PS: Yes, my class Say Yes To What You Want..will address this issue. Also, the book Say Yes To What Moves You: The Intent Course may be helpful.

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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