Do We Ever Lose Anything?

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

Not If It Was Never Lost

In May, I lost two things. In September, I found them both. Yes, I looked for them, but when I couldn’t find them, I considered them both gone and replaced them. After all, they were only a garden trowel and a paring knife.

I found the knife after our September family gathering. Putting things away after it was over, I saw it among the plastic utensils, misplaced during our May family gathering.

I found the garden trowel buried where I had been planting in the spring. While weeding, I saw a red thing sticking out of the ground and wondered what kind of plant it was. Curious, I dug around it with my new trowel and found the old one.

It was a simple reminder that nothing is or ever can be lost. The law of thermal dynamics assures us that all the energy, also known as matter, has already been created and never leaves. It simply changes forms.

However, these last eighteen months may make us feel as if we have lost or misplaced something. Something much more valuable than a trowel and a knife.

Sometimes it appears as if we have lost the ability to listen to each other without judgment. Perhaps it shows up in blame or division instead of cooperation—anger instead of understanding. In an “either you are for me, or you are against me” mentality.

But if energy can not be lost, how much more true must it be that the qualities of the Divine, God, The Great Mystery, the Infinite, can not be lost.

Can the qualities of love, faith, hope, kindness, joy, and purpose be lost? Perhaps they can be misplaced or buried in fear and ignorance, but they are not lost and they can be found again.

But how?

First, by accepting that nothing is ever lost. Not people, places, or things, and not the qualities that are the essence of the Infinite Divine Intelligence that exists or we wouldn’t. Perhaps we can’t see It, but we definitely can recover and maintain our awareness of Its presence.

  • By not burying ourselves in the mud of doubt, distrust, tiredness, resentment, and fear.
  • By not being influenced by negative thinking and speaking, so they blind us to Truth.
  • By being mindful of our inner guidance and taking action on what it inspires us to do.
  • By being the qualities that we think the world has lost.
  • By supporting others who do the same and discounting those that want us to forget that Love is Unconditional.
  • By forgiving ourselves when we appear to lose or misplace things.
  • By forgiving ourselves when they appear to lose or misplace their common sense and understanding.
  • By expecting to find what appears to be lost, knowing that we may not always find them in the same form they were before we misplaced them.
  • All this is true, whether it is a thing or a person. They are not gone. When butterflies and birds migrate, have we lost them? Of course not. They are some place else.

    So instead of despairing over what is happening in the world, or our lives, from losing something as small as a garden trowel to the tragedy of world events, let’s rejoice over the fact that love, kindness, courage, faith, hope, joy are not lost.

    Because we know that the more we focus on and express these qualities ourselves, the faster we dissolve that which has hidden them from us and transform our lives and the lives of others.

    Let’s act not from fear and anger, but from compassion and understanding. Let’s expect to find what we thought we lost because we haven’t. Nothing is ever lost—transformed maybe—but not lost.

    What have you found that you thought you had lost?

    In the economy of nature nothing is ever lost. I cannot believe that the soul of man shall prove the one exception. — Gene Stratton-Porter

    Once it is accepted that nothing can change, that nothing can come out of nothing, and that nothing is ever lost, then nature must consist of infinitesimal blocks that can join and separate again. — Jostein Gaarder

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    4 comments… add one
    Beca Lewis September 21, 2021, 5:09 pm

    Thank you, Merri! You always have such supporting and loving words to share. I appreciate them and you!

    Merrilyn (Merri) McElderry September 21, 2021, 4:10 pm

    Hi Beca, I always love your work! You are teaching us that nothing is impossible, and that when we feel the limitless potential in God, and in listening to Him, our direction is clearly forward , and our passions and talents are magnified.
    I hope I can be able to access your boxed sets soon … your series brings to the heart, Hope, and to the Spirit, recognition of Truth of our Spi ritual Being and definitely shows how a compassionate heart leads us all to the harmony in our own lives and in the universe. Many thanks for all your love for healing with Truth.. and your beautiful creations to lead us to inner peace. Merri

    Lynn September 21, 2021, 1:02 pm

    I am seeing more and more things like this pop up, i.e.- focusing on the positive and tips on how to overcome the negative. I briefly glanced at a headline that said “Biden fails to bring us together” and I thought well then “WE” have to do it. Why should one person be responsible for that anyway? I love your blog with an outline and tips on how to overcome our differences. We, all of humanity, are the only ones that heal this rift. Love, faith, hope, kindness, joy, and purpose are NOT lost. Just have to stay focused on that! Thank you for helping with that!

    Beca Lewis September 21, 2021, 2:11 pm

    Lynn – I agree… WE have to do it. I love that so many people are moving in this direction, and I truly appreciate your support. I see we don’t live that far from each other. Maybe one day we should meet in the middle and share in person. 🙂

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    BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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