Good News! They are not in charge ….

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

Have you ever had that moment when something you’ve known, or seen, your entire life shifts in your thinking and becomes an ah-ha moment?

I had one of those moments the other day. Actually, it came on the heels of a few days when I kept noticing things differently.

Maybe it was because I am in the midst of making up a fantasy world for the next series of books that I am writing. Perhaps. But whatever it was, it was one of those moments I won’t forget.

You know those moments. They last forever as a picture in your mind.

I had one of those moments many years ago while standing in a friends’ backyard.

In a huge leap of faith, my two young daughters and I had just moved from Los Angeles to San Diego. I was completely and utterly broke. I had just graduated from UCLA, and I didn’t have a job. We were staying in that friend’s house while I looked for work.

I was doing my best not to communicate to anyone else the panic that kept trying to force its way to the surface.

So I stepped outside and looked over the canyon. Then I looked up at a tree that was growing at the edge. Its limbs stretched out into the yard and all of its leaves shaded where I was standing.

All those leaves.

Abundance right in front of me.

I felt the depth of that abundance. God, Spirit, Soul, Mind—whatever you call the infinite intelligence that is the Life that we experience in every moment—provided all those leaves.

Could It not also provide for me in the same way? Of course it could. And did. I knew it. I knew I could trust that provision. All that was required of me was to be willing to follow direction. Follow what Obi-Wan Kenobi calls The Force.

Throughout the years, the memory of that tree and all its leaves comes back to me at times when I feel panic. The times when once again I have leaped off some life cliff trusting that it was the right thing to do.

Abundance. Leaves.

The profound moment this week was about snow.

I looked up from writing and watched as the snow fell covering everything in a white blanket. Without me doing anything. Without anyone doing anything.

And no one, no matter how worldly powerful they are, could do anything to could stop it.

Snow was going to happen. What a revelation. I felt it all the way through my being. I am not in charge. Or you. Or them.

The one—and only thing—that I could do about it was to adjust how I felt about it and what I did with it. That’s it.

I, you, they, are not in charge of snow.

Imagine that.

Not in charge of anything at all, really.

From our breath to the falling snow, we are not making it happen. We couldn’t if we tried. As competent as we may feel, we will never, ever, be in charge of Life.

All we can do is shift our perception to see the abundance that is constantly available. Shift our perception to find our part in seeing and supporting the harmony of the universe.

We can let go of anything that does not serve an abundant life. We can listen to and follow the perfect guidance of the One Life.

Because, no matter how much we try, there is nothing else we can do to make Life happen. It happens outside of our control.

Leaves. Snow.

So profound and yet so simple.

You’ve experienced these unforgettable moments too. Ones that reveal the truth of who we are, and what the Infinite One is.

Let’s not forget what we know as the world tries to make everything complicated and manipulative. We really don’t have to play that game, do we?

After all, it’s our choice what we do with what we have been given.

And what we have been given is more than we can comprehend. More than the leaves on all the trees in the world, or the flakes of snow falling from the sky.

Because after all, leaves and snow are only two symbols out of the countless symbols we see in every moment that remind us that it is Infinite Life that consistently provides and is always in control.

Not me. Not you. Not them.

Thank, God.


The day after I wrote this I got this TT4T.

Yes, I send my own stuff to myself.

I too have to be constantly reminded about the Truth of Life.

But don’t you love how the universe lined this up? Once again, I had nothing to do with it.

Or you. Or them.

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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