Before You Stop Taking Advice

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

This is the time of year when I get to the point that I feel that if one more person gives me advice, I think I might explode.

This is laughable because I learned a long time ago that I am full of advice. And I like to give it.

However, by late November I am full of listening and learning. I am always grateful when my favorite podcast, or blog, or whatever I am learning from signs off for the rest of the year, or at least for a few weeks.

I need a rest from the ever-expanding information supply, and I am betting that you do too.

So in spite of saying I am tired of getting advice and even giving advice, to get my point across, dang bless it, I have some advice.

So before you stop taking advice, here’s mine:

*Turn off advice for a least a week or two or even more (Wait, wait, let me finish…)

*Spend time with yourself, quietly. Sometimes, that’s meditation, or a walk, or watching the snow fall. It’s okay. The world will keep on spinning. Life will go on without our controlling it.

*In your quiet time, think on good things.

The Bible advice, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things,” remains profoundly relevant.

We know that what we believe to be reality magnifies. For God’s sake, let’s magnify good.

*Spend time with those you love, and enjoy every minute of it. No holding on to past grudges or imagining future mistakes. Just enjoy them.

*Spend time being grateful for the qualities of everything that has been given to you. Material things will come and go, but the qualities of what they are will remain forever. Let go of what you don’t need so that others can benefit from your generosity.

*Do what you feel like doing. Not what you think you have to do. At least for the next few weeks, give yourself a break.

*Be kind. To yourself. To the people you meet, both strangers and friends. We all know how much we all need kindness and compassion.

And now that you have read my advice, take what works and let go of the rest.

*Oh, and get rest. It’s easier to see that only good has power, and good is always present when we have enough rest.

That’s it. So simple. Think good. Let go. Be kind. Get rest.

*And share… see, I had to add one more piece of advice. Share.

Okay, Now you can stop taking advice. Even from me.

Sh… Beca, stop talking!

(-Philippians 4:8)

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BECA LEWIS coaches, teaches, writes blogs and books, plays with art, and is addicted to reading. She lives in Ohio with her husband and has kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

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