Beca Lewis

My Time Warp To The Sixties With Words

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

Sitting on the stationary bike at the gym, reading Kurt Vonnegut on my iPhone, I was suddenly, and instantly, transported through a time warp back to somewhere in the sixties. I was in our living room, in the house on Irvin Ave., and Dad was walking with his trademark forward lean down the hallway, correcting [...]

Me And The Denny’s Diamond Buyer

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

I’ve heard that if you want to be a writer, having had a bucket load of many kinds of jobs is a good thing. I am not sure that is actually true, but I know that in my lifetime I have had those many jobs, and some of them produced some very interesting stories. This [...]

How It Was, Isn’t How It Has To Be

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

As a teenager, I would often fight with my dad for what I perceived as my rights as a person, not hampered by the fact that I was a “girl.” I would argue with him that it was unfair that my younger brother could stay out longer at night (for example) than I could because [...]

Within The Blue Box

– Posted in: Beca’s Blog

All winter the blue storage box sat alone on the floor of the garage, calling me. Years before, my husband and I, on our way to more traveling, had left it with my daughter for safekeeping. She returned it in the fall, but I didn’t open it, knowing it would require something from me that [...]

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