Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. “Use this book as a handy life guide. I think of a guide as something, or someone, that keeps us aiming in the direction we want to be going. A guide has traveled ahead of us and has seen the dangers and the glories [...]
A Metaphysical, visionary, fantasy, adventure: “I saw that woman again today,” Wren said. She didn’t need to tell Roar and Ruth who she meant. They had been taking turns watching her. The newcomer had arrived in Woald a week before. No one knew where she had come from, but they suspected that it was not [...]
Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. When you come to a fork in the road, take it. —Yogi Berra When you face a fork in the road, step on the exhilarator! —Pat Riley Ready—Set—Shift. Why not change our point of view? After all, who really wants to live in a [...]
On Monday, March 23, 2020, my satellite clock went crazy. Or I did. Because we didn’t agree on the date. I thought that it was March 23, but a glance at the clock on my desk told me it was March 24. I believed that to be true for an entire day until I looked [...]
Listen To Banished – Chapter 4 and 5 A Metaphysical, visionary, fantasy, adventure: “The man known as the Preacher walked down to the Arrow to watch Etar rise from the east and turn the land and the seas that surrounded the Islands a light blue. It was his favorite time of day. It always had [...]
Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. Click to find Living In Grace at your favorite Book Store Chapter Two: Part Four: What we perceive to be reality magnifies. Before we can go anywhere, we need to know our starting point. Self‐truth is the first truth. Since we are the dreamers [...]
A Perception Parable Once upon a time there was a very handsome and proud bullfrog that lived on a lily pad in the middle of a large silver lake. He was known throughout all the land as the frog with the prettiest skin and the most beautiful eyes and he was very proud of both. [...]
A Metaphysical, visionary, fantasy, adventure: At the first sign of dawn, the problem Meg experienced at night slipped away, and she felt safe enough to leave the building in search of food and information. The Market was Meg’s first stop each morning. As soon as the faintest beam of light streaked through the sky from [...]
It’s an interesting term: Sheltering in place. What place? That is the question. Where in our thinking are we sheltering? What are we believing? What are we accepting as truth? Are we allowing ourselves to fall into this current pandemic of fear? Because that’s what this is. Fear attempting to force us into separation. Shelter [...]
Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. In this episode of Shifting Stories listen to Chapter Two in Living in Grace: The Shift To Spiritual Perception. And because it is a long chapter, this is part three. Click to find Living In Grace at your favorite Book Store Chapter Two: Part [...]
BUY ANYWHERE YOU GET YOUR BOOKS AND AUDIO! Banished Prologue A sea of bodies swayed in time to the words that flowed over them. Words that made them forget about their daily lives, if only for a moment. Each word was carefully chosen as if it was a note in a symphony. Each word designed [...]
Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. In this episode of Shifting Stories listen to Chapter Two in Living in Grace: The Shift To Spiritual Perception. And because it is a long chapter, this is part two. Click to find Living In Grace at your favorite Book Store Chapter Two: Part [...]
Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. How did it all begin? Where is it going? Learn more about the bored brothers on the snake-shaped spaceship, Hannah in the Earth Realm, Suzanne from Erda, and Meg’s adventures in Thamon. Author Note: Although The Experiment stands alone as a short story, it [...]
For years, while sitting in a tiny church in Venice, CA, I stared at this quote on the wall. “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.“— Mary Baker Eddy. I did not truly understand what that meant. But more than anything I wanted to. It was a promise, and I [...]
Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. In this episode of Shifting Stories listen to Chapter Two in Living in Grace: The Shift To Spiritual Perception. And because it is a long chapter, this is part one. Click to find Living In Grace at your favorite Book Store Chapter Two: Principles [...]
Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. How did it all begin? Where is it going? Learn more about the bored brothers on the snake-shaped spaceship, Hannah in the Earth Realm, Suzanne from Erda, and Meg’s adventures in Thamon. Author Note: Although The Experiment stands alone as a short story, it [...]
Shifting Stories: Sampling Books, One (or 2) Chapters at a time. Let’s start with the first book in The Shift Series that changed everything, and that means I have to start with Living in Grace: The Shift To Spiritual Perception, the preface and 1st chapter. Perhaps it will shift a story for you into something [...]
Lurking in the shadows of our lives is a fear—and a resistance—to showing up. And yet, since we are here on earth, we agreed to show up.
Not just as a person that takes up space, or lives life as something to endure, but showing up to the something that you, and only you, are here to do.
With a date like 2020, there is no way to not go to the symbol of seeing clearly. Maybe this year could begin a whole decade of seeing clearly. As a human race, we certainly need clear sight to heal separations between people and nations, and to repair the damage we have done to our [...]
As much as we might wish it, nothing stays the same. It never did. And now, everything changes so quickly, and often, it may feel impossible to keep up both physically and emotionally. Often we pretend it isn’t happening, thinking that if change doesn’t affect us directly, perhaps we can sit it out. We may [...]
You’ve seen them everywhere. Storage units. Places to store our stuff. The stuff we aren’t using. The stuff we are afraid to throw away. The stuff we have no idea what to do with, so we keep it. We pay for it to sit there. Perhaps never to be seen again. But Life Storage is [...]
(Mom and dad right after they met in 1945. They were married a few weeks later.) If my dad were still with us, he would be ninety-nine today, October 8, 2019. Many things have changed since my father passed away ten years ago. One thing that has changed is I have written many more books [...]
Standing in the middle of cornstalks over eight feet high, I was feeling quite content. It was the end of the corn’s growing season, and I was removing all the cornstalks that had already produced corn. I wanted the remaining stalks to have more light, air, and nutrients so they could complete what they started. [...]
Discouragement is something everyone faces from time to time. In my last post, I talked about the need to shift, or pivot, or change our minds. But something that often gets in the way of doing that is the feeling of discouragement. So, as promised, here are some ways that have helped me, and my [...]
We’ve passed the halfway point in our Say Yes year. It’s time to look at how that’s going. A crucial thing that we are learning is that in order to say yes to what we want, we have to say no to things we don’t want. That’s not too hard. But sometimes we have to [...]